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A member registered May 21, 2020

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thank you! Gosh I really not into that. 

(1 edit)

 enjoy the game a lot as rich person lolololol I will i have 500,000,000 too.

i  notice that you have reference about thailand many time like food and island. as thai, thank youuuuuuu. i never know we sell private islands. I thought our laws forbid foreigners to buy land greater than 400 m2! so I did google and find out it did really on sale. Man what the feck my government doing

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i think i have awake something forbidden inside me. i really like to make people beg. oh well i love this game so muvh.i also bully Mathias so much too.

i love the prince so much. maybe part of me want to be queen who has power over people that hate part of yourself so much. 

briderton? now now 

i love the game so much. 

holy duck I really scared. 

I never expect to find myself in endless loop. I think I going crazy

Love this

love game like this so much.

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Every love interests in this game are killing me. they are so complex. I feel so exciting. 

I think i fall in love with Demon hard. even he is a bit jerk...but well he kinda like I dont know I want to tease him a lot from now






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Reed is precious. Mama i want to marry him.

Can't wait full game to come out

this game is so amazinggggggggggg. I feel like i am really heroine.

I love Isaac so much. I always chased after most scandal man after all.  XD

can't wait to play full game!

I love captain so much. I feel like I can talk with him at ease without worry about my noble

even i am tragedy lover. I love when people don't get fairy tale happy ending.

I love this game so much. I cried a lot. normally i would get back to my happy self after finished but this one really got me sad for week. it stuck in my heart ...

cant wait till act III --I can do it!

I love this game so much. I just join patreon . keep up good work!

*sob* I want childhood friend to grown up together too....

Even My character is so weird. He still be with her.

I am so envyyyy